Saturday, December 24, 2011

Extortion Marketing

"Sounds bad, because, well, it is that bad if you are not implementing it for your web sites and the other guy is!"
by Thomas Prendergast

Extortion Marketing may sound rather severe, however, it is only intended to address one simple fact, a seemingly unfair advantage regarding Internet marketing. To achieve this status, one has to first understand the very nature of the complexities of the Internet, what works, what doesn't work and most importantly, to conduct your actions with integrity, (Don't Spam, ever!).

To achieve a fairly large sphere of influence on the Internet, it takes time, lots of time. Primarily getting your websites up and running with valuable automated services that work, are free or very inexpensive and then getting them listed in Yahoo (most important) as well as all the other search engines is the first step. It helps if you have been at this since the beginning of the Internet and that you have many hundreds of web domains to build all of these unique services on. Furthermore, it is also important that having thousands of sites on hundreds of domains also be unique and regularly submitted to all of the search engines. This is the first step.

It is also important to have many FFA systems that can be submitted to regularly from the massive FFA submission services found on the Internet. The same goes for Classified ad sites. But, even more important, these systems must verify all submissions before the benefit of capturing the email addresses for future marketing can be achieved legitimately. An added feature to this market (FFAs and Classifieds) is making them self replicate, and give them away for free. This makes your sites appear on other web sites and builds your awareness factor.

It continues: You must have many different newsletter sites. These build loyal subscribers. An added plus to this is to make many gateway pages to these types of sites and list these in the search engines.

Another highly viral product is the self replicating PDF ebook. Write thousands of these types of ebooks, put your URL in them and give them away on hundreds of web sites.

This is just a thumbnail of the magnitude of work and research that Veretekk has been doing for over 12 years now on the Internet. This is why many refer to Veretekk as the leader in extortion marketing, not because we are conducting ourselves badly, but, because everywhere you go, you will find Veretekk at work, building awareness, leads and databases, from the thousands of services, Veretekk has invented, for the very purpose to become highly relevant on the Internet.

Veretekk has prepared itself for this inevitable onslaught with massive servers to run the hundreds of leads sites.

This massive collection of free tools, services, and systems, are primarily designed to generate leads for our subscribers. Even so, many visitors use them anyway because, well, they are free and of great value. Nowhere else on the Internet will you find a collection to this magnitude.

Oh yes, other sites claim they have this service or they have a cool flash presentation, or they have a small part of the equation, but, in the final analyses, they will eventually reveal to be little more than a single engine generator, dwarfed by the Herculean collection, found on this system, built by Veretekk and only available to our subscribers.

You have to ask yourself, when you need power, do you want to plug into a Honda, or do you want the full throttle power of Hoover Dam. Well? Kind of rhetorical huh?

Veretekk's basic marketing philosophy is philanthropic.

We practice an impractical way to achieve success. We believe that good work creates for itself a greater reward. We believe, and it has proven itself over and over, that our success is based totally on yours! We put your self-interests ahead of our own. We are, basically, here to help you succeed! "Buy creating goals that are bigger than our own success, we are also serving ourselves in the very best sense".

The living world is pervaded by two equal and seemingly opposite principles altruism and self-seeking. Most people, in a simplistic way, will label the first as 'noble' but 'impractical' and the second as 'evil' or 'animalistic.' To which I answer - non-sense. In fact, the two ethical imperatives are linked, up and down the great chain of being, from the survival activities of the simplest multi-cellular organisms, up to the most elevated of human endeavors." You can include the Internet as well! Scientist who are suggesting that life could only have evolved through symbiotic cooperation, has challenged the Darwinian model of evolution recently. The 'fittest' creatures to survive have turned out to be the most cooperative, too. Even single single-cell bacterial can now be seen to 'make deals' of a sort, with their competitors, in order to grow and flourish."

This Altruism, as it were, permeates the very essence of what marketing on the Internet is all about. This is what Veretekk is all about. Every level, from the simplest, to the most sophisticated, has been designed to put our potential client, and/or prospect (you), at the apex of our focus. Our tools are exceptional tools, available to you for free, for the exchange of letting us help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively. Our system has been designed to simplify your quest to achieve success, and ultimately help you clarify what exactly you are truly after. We think it is freedom! With freedom, you can then turn around and help us, help others, and in doing so, we all build a better world. This is the purest essence of altruism at work.

Come join us, it is free!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A small business with a 17 year track record

Are you looking to make an extra, or replacement, income working from home on the Internet


A vehicle to enhance your current business as soon as possible!

Would it be safe to say you're looking for a
business that:

>> You could build globally, from anywhere in the world, online, any time you choose?
>> Is backed by rock solid companies with products unique to the industry?
>> Pays you weekly, monthly, and residually, year after year?
>> Pays you what you are worth (1,000 & 9,705 commissions) instead of say, 10 cents per bottle of vitamins? (No we don't sell vitamins.)
>> Empowers you to be successful based on a completely proven Automated Marketing System?
>> Doesn't require any computer experience or Internet skills, yet allows you an automated marketing system?
>> Pays you 24 hours a day even while you're asleep, or while on vacation.

Are we on the same page here?

If so, it definitely would be in your best interest to get all the details you need so that you can feel comfortable with whatever decision you make.

Start by seeing for yourself exactly how our automated marketing system works!
Simply visit Start a REAL business and follow the 3 easy steps!
And we'll fill you in on all of the details!

Curtis Staggs